
These members and public safety officials accept the added responsibility of committee activities. What's their reward for countless hours of service … the personal satisfaction that comes from helping the organization flourish. If you have some time and talent to spare, contact Club Administrator Lori Richmond to learn how you can become involved with one of our committees.

  • Members of the Action Committee come together at the time of an in-the-line-of-duty death. They respond on behalf of The Club by personally presenting a substantial benefit to the surviving spouse within a respectable time after the loss of their loved one. Annually, the Action Committee reviews and distributes a dependent award to eligible children of our fallen heroes.

    Chairs: Suzanne Ceravolo & Ronald H. Barnett

    Robert C. D'Emidio

    Allen Fassett

    Joseph Flanagan

    Alan R. Florin

    James M. Gannon

    Thomas A. Guglielmo

    William D. Lockwood

    Raymond Nisivoccia, CPA

    Janet R. Rapisardi

    James Rizzo

    Frank P. Zupa

    Public Safety Agency Liaisons

    Chief Derrick Shearer
    President, Morris County Alliance of Active Fire Chiefs

    Past EMS Captain Carl Bonafede
    President, Morris County EMS Alliance

    Jeffrey Paul
    Director, Morris County Office of Emergency Management

    Chief Mike Koroski
    President, Morris County Police Chiefs Association

    Colonel Patrick Callahan
    New Jersey State Police

    Major David Sierotowicz
    Commander, Troop B, New Jersey State Police

    Robert J. Carroll, Esq.
    Prosecutor, Morris County

    James M. Gannon
    Sheriff, Morris County

  • The purpose of The Ambassadors Cabinet is to promote the mission of The 200 Club of Morris County through encouraging relationships with prospective and current members, while promoting greater understanding and awareness to potential and new members, projecting a prominent presence at Club functions, facilitating ceremonial function and presence at premier Club and key civic events, and representing The Club to the public at professional and civic events and venues.

    Chair: Janet R. Rapisardi

    Ronald H. Barnett

    Suzanne Ceravolo

    John J. Corigliano, Jr.

    Robert C. D'Emidio

    Anthony V. De Palma

    Joanne De Vito De Palma

    Thomas Ace Gallagher

    Thomas A. Guglielmo

    Farrell Holleran

    Emily Koonky

    William D. Lockwood

    John A. Mania

    Katherine Nisivoccia

    Damien Paumi

    Gerard M. Rota

    Lisa A. Santoro

    Lori Sica

  • The Finance Committee meets periodically to discuss issues affecting The Club’s trial balance or profit and loss statements. They review implications on the past year’s financial outcome, reserve requirements and offer recommendations on investments of Club funds and adjustments in benefit payments as appropriate.

    Chair: Dominick Sarinelli

    John J. Corigliano, Jr.

    Alan R. Florin

    Raymond Nisivoccia, CPA

    Damien Paumi

  • Existing or prospective members can seek out the Membership Committee to receive the latest information on The Club and its programs. Members handle telephone inquiries and direct prospective members to our website where an application and dues payment can be completed online with a debit or credit card, or a check.

    The Membership Committee routinely disseminates information on The Club through formal and/or informal means for the purpose of increasing membership. They also host new member events throughout the year.

    Chairs: Thomas Ace Gallagher & Lori Sica

    Charles Aaron

    Ronald H. Barnett

    Suzanne Ceravolo

    Robert C. D'Emidio

    Joanne De Vito De Palma

    Bob Dougherty

    Guy J. Fernald

    James M. Gannon

    Joseph Jannarone, Jr.

    William D. Lockwood

    John A. Mania

    Raymond Nisivoccia, CPA

    Dennis Patrick

    Damien Paumi

    Janet R. Rapisardi

    James Rizzo

    Gerard M. Rota

    Lester Wolfson

    Frank P. Zupa

  • In October during years ending in an odd number, the Nominating Committee meets to select a slate of officers, who will serve for the following two years. The slate is presented at the Annual Board Meeting in November of that year. Seven members sit on this committee, four of whom are Trustees and three are general members. Each is appointed by the President of The 200 Club of Morris County.

    Chair: Suzanne Ceravolo

  • The Club’s Public Relations & Merchandising Committee introduces The 200 Club of Morris County to the public, educates them and promotes good will toward the organization. Their goal is to develop a networking system with all news media. They are responsible for the preparation and dissemination of information, and promotional materials of news value as a means of gaining public recognition, attention and support of Club activities. Members work closely with other committees in publicizing special events such as the installation of newly-elected Officers and upcoming events such as the Scholarship Awards Ceremony, Annual Member Meeting, and the Valor & Meritorious Awards Celebration.

    Chair: Claudia Ehrgott

    Suzanne Ceravolo

    Claudia Ehrgott

    Robert C. D’Emidio

    Thomas Ace Gallagher

    John A. Mania

    Janet R. Rapisardi

    Lori E. Richmond

    James Rizzo

    Ellen Smolko

  • Each January, our Scholarship Program opens to accept online applications from eligible high school students. The Scholarship Committee meets in March to review and select applicants for scholarships through an anonymous review process. Successful applicants receive their scholarship at our Scholarship Awards Ceremony which takes place in mid-May at the Morris County Public Safety Training Academy in Morristown, New Jersey.

    Chair: Suzanne Ceravolo

    Ronald H. Barnett

    Joanne De Vito De Palma

    Claudia Ehrgott

    Michael J. Eisenberg

    Guy J. Fernald

    Joseph Jannarone, Jr.

    William D. Lockwood

    Dennis Patrick

    Lois Patrick

    Damien Paumi

  • Members of the Social Media Committee increase awareness of The Club on our Meta, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. They disseminate news about Club programs and upcoming events while welcoming and engaging with followers who support police, fire, EMS, OEM and members of the New Jersey State Police serving Morris County.

    Chair: Charles Aaron

    Robert C. D'Emidio

    Joseph Jannarone, Jr.

    John A. Mania

    James Rizzo

    Patricia Singer

    Frank P. Zupa

  • Our Sponsorship Committee members sustain and expand our organization’s programs by connecting with Club members and local businesses interested in cost-effective print and digital advertising opportunities. Sponsorship packages offer recognition in The Club’s regular e-promos, on our website, and our social media, depending on the level of sponsorship purchased. This is an ideal way to gain exposure for an organization or business while supporting thousands of dedicated women and men in public safety serving communities throughout Morris County.

    Chair: Suzanne Ceravolo

    Charles Aaron

    Robert C. D’Emidio

    Guy J. Fernald

    Emily Koonjy

    Damien Paumi

    James Rizzo

  • The Valor & Meritorious Awards Celebration Committee works closely throughout the year with the Club Administrator and President in planning and coordinating arrangements for the successful execution of this prestigious celebration of our “Local Heroes.” Our Valor & Meritorious Awards Celebration takes place in late April.

    Chairs: Ronald H. Barnett, Emily Koonjy & Janet R. Rapisardi

    Charles Aaron

    Suzanne Ceravolo

    John J. Corigliano, Jr.

    Robert C. D’Emidio

    Alan R. Florin

    Thomas Ace Gallagher

    James M. Gannon

    Joseph Jannarone, Jr.

    William D. Lockwood

    John A. Mania

    Damien Paumi

    Lori E. Richmond

    James Rizzo

    Gerard M. Rota

    Lisa A. Santoro

    Frank P. Zupa