Each spring, The 200 Club of Morris County proudly recognizes our dedicated first responders who have gone ‘above and beyond’ the call of duty. We invite you to take a moment to delve into the inspiring acts of heroism that our local heroes have demonstrated. Their dedication and commitment to our community deserve recognition and admiration.
Explore our commemorative programs, which include our 50th Anniversary celebration of The 200 Club (May 2022 edition) and our 50th Anniversary of our Valor & Meritorious Awards Celebrations (April 2024 edition).
In these commemorative journals, you’ll gain a respect and appreciation for our remarkably dedicated Valor & Meritorious honorees and the positive, lasting impact they have had on the lives of Morris County citizens.
We encourage you to patronize the generous sponsors who support our mission, enabling us to honor those who faithfully serve and protect your family and you. Together, let us celebrate their bravery and commitment to keeping our communities safe. Your engagement helps us continue this vital work.
Congratulations 2024 Honorees!
Roxbury Company One
Fire and EMS
Meritorious Honorees
EMT Pamela Sawyer Karkovice
Fire Engineer/EMT Ryan Fischlein
Boonton Police Department
Meritorious Honoree
Sergeant Daniel Mondino
Mountain Lakes
Police Department
Meritorious Honoree
Patrolman David Brown
Pequannock Police Department
Valor Honoree
Sergeant James Dericks
Pequannock Police Department
Valor Honoree
Patrolman Stephen Knatz, Jr.
Pequannock Police Department
Meritorious Honoree
Patrolman Brian Parigi
Denville Police Department
Valor Honoree
Sergeant Frederick Jackson
Morris County Sheriff’s Emergency Response Team (SERT)
Valor Honoree
Corporal Matthew Cilurso
Morris County Sheriff’s Emergency Response Team (SERT)
Valor Honoree
Sergeant James Rae
Bureau of Police
Valor Honoree
Sergeant James Krauss
Roxbury Township
Police Department
Valor Honoree
Patrolman Charles R. Bohannon, Jr.
Roxbury Township
Police Department
Valor Honoree
Patrolman Steven Strowbridge.
Washington Township
Police Department
Valor Honoree
Former Corporal Kevin Barnes
Wharton Borough
Police Department
Valor Honoree
Sergeant Richard Ornelas
Saint Clare’s Health System
Meritorious Honorees
Paramedic Kasey Bizzaro, MICP
Paramedic Andrew Quevedo, MICP
Boonton Fire Department
Meritorious Team Honorees
Firefighter Ryan Baker
Lieutenant Michael Mullaney
Firefighter Carl M. Wendt
Past Chief James Wendt, Sr.
Captain Tyler Wendt
On Thursday, April 25, 2024, Club members, first responders, their families and friends came together for the 50th Anniversary Celebration of our prestigious Valor & Meritorious Awards. This video tribute takes us back in time to highlight our past honorees.
What are our Valor & Meritorious Awards?
The Valor & Meritorious Awards Celebration recognizes outstanding service of first responders. Those whose lives are placed in danger receive the Award of Valor. Those who perform above and beyond the call of duty, but are not actually placed in danger, receive an Award for Meritorious Service.
Each year, police officers, firefighters and emergency medical technicians gather to celebrate the lives they have saved, to win accolades from The 200 Club of Morris County, and tell stories worthy of the best police and fire dramas television has to offer.
Each January, Valor and Meritorious candidate recommendations are presented to The 200 Club of Morris County by our Public Safety VIP Liaisons, the:
President of the Morris County Police Chiefs Association
Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police
President of the Morris County Alliance of Active Fire Chiefs
President of the Morris County EMS Alliance
Director of the Morris County Office of Emergency Management
When this year’s honorees are selected, they will be announced through our e-communications, on social media and on this webpage.
Nominations must be submitted through the appropriate above-mentioned channels within each public safety agency. The 200 Club of Morris County accepts nominations specifically and solely from the representatives listed above.
An act of Valor is an extraordinary event in which a person put his or her own safety aside. It is an act of extraordinary courage, which went beyond the call of duty. Very often, one's life is at risk.
The Meritorious Award is a second level of recognition, which differs from Valor in that a person has performed an extraordinary act, but their actions did not necessarily place their well-being or life at risk. Meritorious awards recognize individuals whose professional or volunteer activity rises above the expected norm for their profession.